For the past three years i never once believed that doing the simiple job of teaching art was a stressful pasttime or career. However, I was wrong.
These past few weeks to researching and lesson planning, all might I add without a safety net, has finally taken its toll. I have never been completely blank when thinking about a lesson for an art class; and the unbelieveable has finally happened. I have writers block!
I have been staring at the computer screen for the past week, at the same word document, at the same lesson plan; and I cant seem to write a single line. I even went against the rules and dragged my Dell laptop to work with me at the mall to try to work. And still nothing.
Just a lot of game playing, facebook and etsy (if only I had money!).
When will it end?!?!?!?!?!!!!
The only answer I have been able to come up with is -- never! Well I hope not but we shall see.
Blog Update!!!: as you can see I have not taken a step back from the blogging world... I actually had blogging withdrawal! it wasnt pretty.